Thursday, September 24, 2009

Today is not the happiest of days.

I woke up at 6 a.m. (after 5 hours of sleep). Now that part I can't complain about. There's a rather amazing boy in the picture but he lives, oh, ten hours away, so phone is as good as it gets. Rats.

Then I got to work at 7:30, scrambled to get my papers to my boss on time and had one of the office girls look at me and say, "You don't like your job very much, do you?" She followed it up with some comments about how I need to be planned two weeks out, and that she's sure that doing stories like this would bore just about any normal person to death. GREAT.

I almost cried. Maybe because I'm tired. Maybe because I felt horribly accused. I do like my job, even if I don't work every minute of my 40 hours/ week.

Oh my word. I am so tired.

I have to go to a meeting in about 15 minutes and I'd almost put money on it that I'm going to fall asleep. I had coffee for breakfast. It's not doing much for me.

I got my hair cut yesterday. It looks good. I like it. And it cost $12. Works for me!

So Ben- the boy I can't seem to stop talking to until obscene hours of the morning- gave me some valuable perspective via text message this morning. He talked about letting today go and thinking more about where we want to go, rather than just running away from our problems. It was a much needed slap in the face. But he was gracious about it. Honestly kind. It changed my day almost instantly. Sigh.

Maybe my work day isn't the best and I'm pissed at my co-workers, I'm exhausted and I'm starving. But my friends love me, my house is wonderful, I adore my YL kids, my hair looks better and I won't be here forever, and I am loved by Jesus to an extent that I can't even begin to comprehend. And Ben's around. :)

Today doesn't look so bad anymore.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

i'll make it a good day. so there.

Hap-hap-happy Thursday.

I'm quite excited that the pain from my concussion has subsided.


I'm involved with a group called Young Life here in COS and Monday we decided to snag a giant, 50-foot tarp from Home Depot and create a slip and slide... We covered it with dish soap and watched kids flip and fling down the hill. Oh those high schoolers. If only I still had that flexibility. Good grief. I sound 95.

Anyhow, I decided that this would be a fun project, also, and gave it my best shot. Yet, instead of slipping and landing on my ass like everybody else, I managed to slip, fall backwards, hit my head and have it bounce off the ground, only to fall backwards again (which gave me a concussion and whiplash).

I took Tuesday off work and slept the entire day. And yesterday I had a migraine all day. Sigh. Honestly, though, I'm quite glad it was me and not a kid that fell prey to the dangers of slip and slide-dom.

But my neck hurts. I need a chiropractor and a break (no pun intended. baha.) from life. Wouldn't that be lovely...

I have all my prints prepped for my office. I'm honestly stoked. Now they just need to find happy homes on the wall and I'll be set. If I'm going to be spending the next couple (or more :/ ) years in this office, it's going to look good. I splurged and spent $130 on an antique lamp a couple weeks ago, which was probably a considerably bad idea considering that I now have $40.

Tomorrow is pay day. I get to pay off my car bills and my medical bills. (Insert SUBSTANTIAL sigh of relief here). Granted, I'll still have about $40 when it's all over. Ha.

What I'd really like to do is take a nap in my new chaise lounge. But I think it needs to be febreezed before I do any serious napping.

Time to answer the boss' questions about all my mistakes (sigh :) ) and go to walmart and get some velcro strips for all my new pictures. oh it's going to be a good day. because i'll make it a good day.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

If it was snowing

It's Thursday again.

Thursday is going to be my blog day.

I have $50 to get me through the next two weeks. I haven't been this poor... EVER. I had more money than this when I was six. And how did this happen you may ask? Car.

I've spent about $1,000 on my car in the last two weeks on repairs and such. And I need new tires. I think I ride my car just a wee bit too hard. I needed to have my breaks replaced (big surprise to anyone that's ever ridden with me). And I need new tires (another big surprise).

Then there's money for my class, which equated to about $1,400. Eff. And my grades are still SHIT. And I have no time to study and make it worth it.

So by blogging, I think I mean whining. I highly doubt anyone reads this blog anyhow, so maybe I'm just sending out my vents via the clicks of my keyboard to the galaxies of cyber space. Perhaps an alien reads it and remembers why they've never wanted planet earth. It's more complicated than I ever thought it could be.

ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, Tyler's in town! I haven't seen him in over a year. I hate that the best friends you have in college are only seen if you make a huge effort or if you meet back up at a wedding. But he's here :) Maybe we'll go to Ross.

Rachel's wedding is over. My Labor Day party is over. And I thought life was going to slow down. HAHAHAHA. Young Life's back in swing, and I love it. Dang how I have missed those kids.

If it was snowing outside, I would literally go home and sleep all day. But now I have a lovely little chaise lounge in my office, so perhaps I shall simply shut the door, put a lying sticky note on the door that says I have a conference call and sleep for 30 minutes before I totally pass out at my desk. On second thought, no. I'm working this morning so I can see Tyler.

Caramel Canons have a strange aftertaste.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

caramel canons and aging

Today is Thursday.

This means that, ideally, I should be working frantically on deadline-type things, but I'd rather post a semi-meaningless note instead.

Besides, I've already done most of my Thursday work, except getting stuff together for next week. Rats. I like writing and I like editing, but when it comes to brainstorming about ideas, I'd rather hire someone to do it.

Thursday is my coffee day. I try to leave early enough so that I can get my frou frou coffee and then get to the office by 7:30. I think that's happened about once in my entire work experience.

I snag a "Caramel Canon" (not canon like a blast of caramel in your mouth- canon, but instead a "look at how deep that canon is) from Cheyenne Coffee Company. Every week I get coffee from Iza (I think that's how you spell her name)... and when she's not there I know my Caramel Canon is going to be gross. For $5.50, it'd better not be gross.

Rachel's getting married in 3 days. Holy mother of all things holy. Good grief. Wow. Ridiculous. Amazing. Scary. I want to know when I got old enough for one of my oldest (not like she's 99) friends to enter into the state of weddage. Sometimes 23 feels very young.

This weekend's going to be a crazy one. But I get to help Rachel get married. :) And what a beautiful thing. Plus, my bridesmaid dress is pretty rad, so I can't complain about that.

I need to write a toast. I've been talking about this toast with her for years. Literally. Sometimes it was a joke and sometimes it was serious. But in three days I'll stand up there in front of a hundred people and tell them why I love that girl. Damn. You talk about something for years and then it's aaaaall happening. So this is grown-up land. Wish it was more like candy land.

Got the results back from my first practice test and I BOMBED it. Left me a wee bit, or a lot bit, confused. My timeline just received a severe adjustment. But I'm okay with that... at least at this moment. I'm thankful that Jesus knows what he's doing, because I sure as hell do not.

My office is FINALLY coming together. The vintage-ness is starting to blend with marvelous quality, even though this whole decorating thing has cost me a shit load of money. But hey, if I'll be spending 8 hours a day in here for the next two years, I'm going to enjoy it.

Craig's List is weird. I went to go get some chairs a couple days ago and A. there was no one home. B. the lawn was overrun with weeds. C. there was a beehive attached to the house that looked like it weighs about 15 pounds (genuinely freaky) and there wasn't a single light on. Needless to say, I won't be picking up any furniture alone in the future. Yikes. It felt a little horror movie-ish. Or maybe one of those cell phone commercials where it's supposed to look like a horror movie.

I need to get back to my caramel canon. I also have a couple highlighters that need to be put back and a desk that's, well, messier than I want to admit.

And it's almost fall. There's a bittersweet symphony when the leaves fall. But I do love seeing the reds and the oranges and wearing long sleeves.