Hello fellow photographers,
I would like to say that owning an SLR does not make you a professional, or semi-professional photographer. I mean, you can be 'good,' but you can't just pick up your camera and believe that you have a profession coming your way. Sorry; not the way it works. I'm not EVEN pretending that I'm pro. I simply like taking good pictures.
Anywoo, it's Thursday. I typed Friday and then backspaced my way to Thursday. Whoops. I usually sleep in on Fridays and meander into the office a tad late. Not the case tomorrow. I'm playing HR girl and interviewing two people for a vacancy I am soon to have for a major part of my paper. So I need to be at the office by 8. Ha. Sakes alive. (What does that even mean?)
I read all of my blog posts yesterday and found out that almost every one, or every other one, since January had me complaining about my lack of beautiful office chairs. And now-- I HAVE THEM. When I say Praise the Lord, I mean it. I genuinely think God saved them for me. I walk into my office and smile subconsciously. That's how much I love them. But now I lack a major aspect of my blogs. This is a problem. Guess I'll have to find something else to talk about.
It's also funny to read the ups and downs of the blog, which are a roller coaster directly related to boys. It's time for that to stop. Granted, there's one I like right now. But I hope maturity and boundaries will stop me from dying every time something goes wrong. That's not a self-fulfilling prophecy; I refuse for it to be. Bottom line: There's a great guy on the horizon. I have a *sneaking* suspicion that he might like me back a tad. We'll see what happens. That's it. And it's pretty comforting. The future is not in my hands. I'll follow the big One until he says something. And it'll be okay.
I walked into my office today and showed off my incredibly modest shorts (seriously) and then got dogged for wearing them on casual day. Like, are you kidding? No appointments. Just office work. I have dresses shorter than the shorts I'm wearing. Blurg.
When I'm bored or on a brain freeze in my office, I walk around and use my Imperial Duncan Yo-Yo. I don't know if this helps me clear anything out of my head, but it sure makes my brain quiet down. I'm really bad. Ha. Of all the things to "be bad at," mine might be yo-yo-ing.
Usually summer stories are so slow in coming. I had THREE this week. Another praise. And I had all of them written in two hours. That is a glorious thing.
Today I wish I was road-tripping. Mostly so I could listen to music and sleep the entire time.
And he's road tripping today. Ha. Pathetic? A little. :)
I wish Colorado wasn't land locked. I miss the water. Especially during this season of life, I miss the water so much. My parents and little sister are on the Oregon Coast this weekend. Words cannot express my jealousy, or, in this case, my longing. I've said it before: I think the sound of the waves is the closest I'll ever hear to God talking aloud.
Jack Johnson came out with a new CD a few weeks ago. I love, love, love the song "Only the Ocean." I'm a Mountain girl. But gees. I need some water.
Listen. Beautiful.
Happy Thursdays to all.