So on Twitter I follow this guy who writes one line of a story. They're usually intriguing, and often pretty dark. Granted, his grammar is often poor which totally throws me off, but I look forward to tweets from "veryshortstory."
But I will say- writing one line in medias res is probably the easiest thing you can do. I think it's cheating. That's not a short story; it's a figment of imagination, a few seconds of brilliance.
I need something new to get me out of bed in the morning. It usually comes down to panic of "I'm not going to get everything done at work so I'd better get up" before I can actually push down the covers into my freezing cold room. And that usually takes about six tries.
Last night allotted five hours of sleep. I'm so FREAKING tired. It's my own fault, and my only regret is that I'll be tired for the next four days. I stayed up late talking to Jen about boys and totally denying that I'll ever like one again. Locking oneself away is sure easy. But it's sure lonely. I don't even want to have crushes on people because I have this overwhelming fear of more rejection. Maybe I'll be one of those girls that's dating Jesus. I'm joking. I think that's one of the stupidest phrases I've ever heard.
I'm enjoying my life right now even though it's flipping difficult. I could seriously benefit from a personal assistant. Grad school starts again a week from today. Dang.
I've been asking God for big things this year, and for the eyes to see them. I know what I *want* to see, but I read somewhere that his thoughts aren't my thoughts and his ways aren't mine... hmm...
BREAKING NEWS: Okay. So I've said multiple times in the past "I'm the Ocean." It's true, in more ways than one. I love that phrase. I think it's even on my profile for this blog. I FOUND A SHIRT AT URBAN OUTFITTERS THAT SAYS "I'm the Ocean." I almost pissed myself. I don't really care how much it costs, even though it's mad expensive. I can't wait to own it. Can't wait.
I'm so glad this week's almost over. I just want to sleep. And I'm going skiing Sunday! WOOO! It's the first time since I tipped my ski on the 'slow down' sign and basically ripped my knee out of socket. Let's hope that doesn't happen again. Yipes. Mmk. Time to get back to work. Maybe go to Urban online and just stare at that shirt and buy stuff that's on sale. Yes, that sounds grand.