This will change fetus' rights into those of people and not blobs of tissue. This one's a big deal.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
nov. 2
MMk. Disclaimer: On Nov. 2, I will have an election party. Not because I'm excited about who won or didn't, but because I'll be so stinking happy that the elections are OVER.
Regardless, here are the really important issues/ candidates, in my humble, months-of-researched opinion-
No on 60, 61 and 101.
They're going to kill our government, our schools, our roads, our teachers, and about 77,000 jobs. Literally. The authors of these "ugly three" say that we have a bloated CO economy (???) and that we need to make due with what we have. I'm sorry, but seeing the public schools as they are, I'd rather not have my kids in a class of 50 when they're in 3rd grade.
Our streets are bad enough. I'd like to see some of those pot holes fixed before I spend money getting new tires. People are honestly going to move away once this 'voter inflicted recession' hits. That's the last thing CO needs, for anyone, in any line of work. The spiral effects of this will be obscene and horrible. And yeah, maybe CO has done some stupid stuff in the past when it comes to money. At this point, it just doesn't matter. You can't try to fix something when it's this far down the crapper.
No on 1A.
Keep marijuana out of the neighborhoods and regulated.
Medical marijuana has been legal since 2000. Surprised? I was, too. I'd rather have regulated marijuana stores selling to those with prescriptions than have my neighbor dealing and pushing up the crime rate. And yes, some people are money grubbing jerks that want to sell mmj (medical marijuana) for profit and probably sell to kids. That's happening anyway. Maybe this one is the lesser of two evils, but I'm okay with people using an organic plant to help with pain. Read some stories about success. We let people scarf percocet and vicodin. This is another opiate that won't destroy your liver...
Yes on Prop. 300.
Strong Mayor is a good idea.
We don't vote on a mayor until April, so picking a candidate is not an issue right now. But 300 will give our mayor a full-time job. It comes as a surprise to many- right now we DON'T have a full-time mayor. Granted, we're going to have to be VERY careful come April- this mayor will have some major responsibilities- but it could hopefully restore some trust in city government, when, let's face it- there really isn't any.
Vote Tancredo (solid endorsements). Karen Cullen (total straight shooter) if she's in your district. Wayne Williams for County Clerk and Commissioner. Vote Maketa for sheriff.
Let me know if I've missed anyone and I'll fill you in with what I know. Make sure you know where you're voting (as in actual location) and what district you represent.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Every time I see a Harry Potter trailer I scream EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! at the television.
I don't like Rocky Horror, and I didn't like Glee last night.
Why do the emotionally unhealthy people have significant others? Seriously. Why. Ugh.
I have an awesome halloween costume on the way. Hopefully it pans out. This depends on my hair... and my time. And not losing my sanity while cutting out about 200 felt hearts and sticking them on a black jumper. I've been making my own halloween costumes since I was about 5. Pointless to change the pattern now.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The ghost of halloweens past has come to visit. Let me show you what he found.
These are in no particular order. But it seems as though much of my life has been lived in costume. And I'm pretty okay with it. I have great plans for this halloween... ;)

This costume took HOURS and the help of two engineers. And about $30. And I loved it. ^

Costume contest winner! ^^^ Not sure why, but apparently I make a sexy greek goddess.

This one ^ bordered sacrilege.

This ^ and the following are from days at Focus on the Family.

One of the greats. ^ I got the whole family in on this one.

Terrifying. Yes. Terrifyingly awesome? Yes. ^

And also, terrifyingly expensive. Eek. ^

Never had so many awed looks from kids before, or people wanting theirpictures with me. I was a very celebrity elf. ^

Clearly a good friend of Austin Powers.^
Now to get to this weekend, figure out how to put my costume together and figure out to fro my hair, and I'm golden.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Holy Moly.
I don't think I've ever done so much before 9 a.m. on this job in my entire life before today. This "doing so much" has included running around my office, editing about 93798327423 stories (well, not that many. I wish there were that many) and fixing a million mistakes.
"Your mailbox is more than 80 percent full. Please delete unwanted messages." I have no time for such nonsense!
I had a melt-down yesterday. As in, it's deadline day and I don't get to work until 1 p.m. It was a near-disaster. But somehow... I survived.
I think I'm going to make the switch. I actually need a smart phone. I hate saying that and every inch of me cringes at the thought. But I'd rather a smart phone than forgetting appointments like I did yesterday. Not a good idea. It's also not a good idea to spend all kinds of money I don't have on a smart phone. But weighing my options... I'd almost rather spend the money than screw up my job.
It's election season. I'm so sick of political ads that I want to puke. Seriously. Good thing for a new Joshua Radin CD that allows me to escape the stupid radio advertisements that say people are trying to KILL US ALL!!!
Oh, and I'm going to see The Weepies this weekend. I'm beaming with joy. :D :D :D
I'm going to buy a shirt. I hope they're selling their vinyl of the latest CD.
I've been listening to records on my turn table like crazy. Bon Iver on Vinyl is a gift from God. Wow.
I'll be 25 in a few weeks. I don't really like that... It sounds old. As the weepies say... 'the world spins madly on...' I suppose it's true. And I don't really like that, either. They also say 'you can't go back now...' And I don't really like that, either.
I'm 25. I'm very Young Life. Very career. Very Grad School. Don't feel very grown up, even still. I don't even know what 'grown-up' means. My parents say they don't know what it is. And you guessed it- I don't really like that, either.
How does one celebrate their 25th? No idea. Not even sure if I want to. It's the last year my grandpa will "give" me money. I might go wild at Urban Outfitters. Which means I'll probably be able to buy one thing. Or maybe I'll buy 20 pumpkin spice lattes. Or 10 new releases at Best Buy. Or 5 records. So many options. And my grandpa's dead. I hate that. Hate it. Hate it.
I'm so lost in my thoughts these days.
This fall is such a season of loss. Loss of age. Major loss of time. Loss of my last grandparent. Loss of summer. Loss of money (thank you grad school). Just... loss.
Monday, October 18, 2010
WHY the hell is it that you only get negative feedback?
Why. why. why. why. why.
Yes, sir, I am indeed a mud-slinging journalist with the intent of ruining people's lives and printing fallacies just to piss people off.
Please send all negative comments my way and lambast me as much as you would like.
god. I hate this day so much it's making me sick. Maybe I'll go to my car and cry.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
I will never get over this lyric. Thank you, Caedmon's Call.
"And You know the plans that You have for me
And You can't plan the end and not plan the means"I wish I had the mental capacity to write this morning. Yet, I got 6 hours of sleep last night (down by a third of my usual), I was at the office at 6:30, wrote my FIFTH story for the week and have almost already fallen asleep again. This isn't good, because I'm going to a media luncheon today and I have class tonight.
Oh man. I need a weekend. Oops. Forgot. I'm taking a 2-day certification course/ networking event for a total of 14 hours this weekend. I think I'll go to bed at about 7:30 tonight.
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