The ghost of halloweens past has come to visit. Let me show you what he found.
These are in no particular order. But it seems as though much of my life has been lived in costume. And I'm pretty okay with it. I have great plans for this halloween... ;)

This costume took HOURS and the help of two engineers. And about $30. And I loved it. ^

Costume contest winner! ^^^ Not sure why, but apparently I make a sexy greek goddess.

This one ^ bordered sacrilege.

This ^ and the following are from days at Focus on the Family.

One of the greats. ^ I got the whole family in on this one.

Terrifying. Yes. Terrifyingly awesome? Yes. ^

And also, terrifyingly expensive. Eek. ^

Never had so many awed looks from kids before, or people wanting theirpictures with me. I was a very celebrity elf. ^

Clearly a good friend of Austin Powers.^
Now to get to this weekend, figure out how to put my costume together and figure out to fro my hair, and I'm golden.
I think my favorite is still the mrs. pacman ;)