I mean, yes, I like to occasionally look on the "bright" side of things, whatever the hell that truly means, but I'm a bit of a realist thrown into that pot of goodness.
This has been a great/ horrible week. I've never seen so many people join together to pray for one man. And yet... he's still missing. I don't get it and I don't like it. In fact, I hate it. I wish there was a magic formula. We miss David. I just don't. understand. at. all.
And I'm still sick. After almost a month, which began with a very unfortunate "break-up," and a mass of tears that made my throat raw and allowed germs to sicken every ounce of me, the tears this week have almost rivaled that. So I'm still sick.
This has been one of the longest weeks of my entire life.
I'm going to check out some office chairs today. Mine are ugly and don't match. That's unacceptable in this office.
There is a rattle in my ceiling. I tried to snap together all of my Expo dry erase markers and poke the ceiling, but to no avail. I'll probably try again soon.
Amidst it all, the week was also good in some ways. I've had a few breakthroughs about the future, bought some clothes that I like very much and I've had about 5 lattes. Plus, my heart's been able to let go of some things that genuinely needed to stop. That's a beautiful thing.
So pessimism+optimism have collided into this space of realistic, moderate contentment, albeit the sadness, hopelessness, joy and wonder. That's more than enough for me.
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